Saturday morning, I decided to give the PS4 conversion of Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy a proper try. I mentioned playing this a little while ago, but the ‘play’ was limited to getting my PS2 emulation working. So while I got a little way into the game, it wasn’t like sitting back and replaying the game.
Looking through the updates to the PlayStation Plus tiers, there was a nice surprise. I realised that the entire Jak and Daxter range was included in the classics catalogue. Giving it a quick test, I managed to unlock a trophy going through the tutorial. A platinum run has been in the back of my mind ever since.
With this in mind, sitting on the couch I gave Jak and Daxter a good half-hour run. It might not sound like much, but I have finished the Precursor Legacy about 6 times now, so it’s enough to get a feel.
First off, the 16:9 aspect is annoying me a little. To me, Jak and Daxter was never meant for the 16:9 aspect ratio, especially with what we know it as today.
The Precursor Legacy stretches the 4:3 aspect ratio to fit, and it feels off. I am missing a few jumps and attacks, which is annoying. I am not sure if it’s because I’m rusty on the controls or the screen is stretched just that little bit weird.
Looking in the menu, it looks like I can switch the display back to 4:3, but I haven’t tried it yet. I hope so, and I hope it saves the choice. If I have to change the aspect ratio every time I start it on PlayStation, The Precursor Legacy’s trophy appeal is basically void.
Unless I can live with 16:9? I would be surprised if I could. Even the small trials I had setting up PS2 emulation, 4:3 felt right in both nostalgia and game ‘feel’.
I’m going to restart The Precursor Legacy a couple more times, both on PlayStation and Emulated. When I find what feels the best to play, I will make up my mind about where to finish the Precursor Legacy then.
There is a very good chance that Jak and Daxter will be the first series tackled on stream!