On top of not feeling great, I had a lot of mixed emotions last week. I had high hopes for The Callisto Protocol but it ended up being just an average experience. The biggest mistake it made was making me want to play Dead Space instead.
I’ve been a fan of the Dead Space universe for years but had never made it past chapter 3 of the original game. When the new version of Dead Space (2023/Remake/whatever you want to call it) came out, I was torn. Do I want to play it now? But I decided to jump in and I am completely blown away.
It’s set a new standard for remakes. It’s like a “Director’s Cut Remaster” and it’s amazing. Everything from the first game is here and more. *cough Capcom cough*. They’ve added and improved upon so much. It’s like EA Motive looked at the RE remakes and a game director said “Hold My Beer”.
Dead Space is the gold standard for remakes. Period.
The world of Dead Space is more immersive than ever. The USG Ishimura is now a single environment, like the Spencer Mansion or the RCPD building. Side missions now flesh out throwaway characters or people that were only named in text logs.
The audio is also incredible and I highly recommend playing with good headphones. The lighting effects also need to be singled out for their contribution to the ambience. Every part of the Dead Space experience has been refined to make sure you are fully immersed. And I haven’t even tried the new game+ or Impossible mode changes yet! Everything about Dead Space is screaming ‘Play Me’!
I will say you may notice a little ‘fuzziness’ on the screenshots I have captured. This isn’t Dead Space, this is my PS5 and how it’s capturing the images. Everything looks amazing visually in-game, with the exception of a resolution drop while the tram travels.
Yes, while you use the ‘fast load’ mechanic from the original game, screen resolution drops as nothing happens. Is Dead Space using some of that rendering power elsewhere, or simple power conservation for a game lull? I’m not sure. Either way, not a minus to me!
So even though I didn’t play as much as I hoped this weekend, if you’re a fan of the original Dead Space, this is a must-own. If you’re new to the series, I definitely recommend Dead Space 2023 over Callisto Protocol. Dead Space is definitely the first game of 2023 that not only delivers on the hype, it then surprises you with more than you knew you wanted all served in one glorious package.